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About Rochester

Rochester (pop. 3,657) is steeped in history owing to a mighty industrial past. It is at the center of Beaver County, earning it the nickname “Hub of Beaver County.” Today the borough is home to a variety of local businesses, including manufacturing, warehousing, retail, and healthcare. A public library, churches, and other institutions provide a supportive social network.  The beautiful Rochester Riverfront park rests at the confluence of the Beaver and Ohio Rivers, featuring walkable paths,  pavilions, river activities, and the patriotic Flag Plaza. The community is home to a diverse mix of longtime residents and newcomers



Mingo Native Americans once occupied Rochester. The mouth of the Big Beaver river was important to the village, and many artifacts have been found in this area. The earliest settlers came in the early 18th century. Rochester was incorporated as a borough on March 20, 1849.

The Rochester Area Heritage Society is dedicated to preserve Rochester's rich history and heritage. RAHS has a museum on the 2nd floor of the municipal building. Learn more

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