Contact Rochester Borough
For emergencies, call 9-1-1
Borough of Rochester
350 Adams St
Suite 1
Rochester, PA 15074
Phone: (724) 775-1200

Meeting Schedules
2025 Regular Meeting Schedule
Rochester Borough Council, Boards and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the Rochester Borough Council will hold its regular monthly public meetings for the year 2025 on the 3rd Monday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m., unless advertised otherwise. Council will conduct business and take official action at all regular monthly meetings. The Rochester Borough Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board and Civil Service Commission will hold monthly meetings, as needed, on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. All Council, Board and Commission meetings will be held in the Rochester Borough Municipal Building, 350 Adams Street, Rochester PA 15074. If any resident with a disability wishes to attend one of the above scheduled meetings and requires an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, please contact John Barrett, Borough Manager at 724-775-1200 to discuss how Rochester Borough may best accommodate your needs.
John Barrett
Borough Manager